Good fertiliser stinks

Cow manure: Black gold for your garden

It goes without saying that good fertiliser stinks. So if you’re looking to turbo-charge your soil, how about you try using (stinky) cow manure?

Composted cow manure is a nutrient-rich amendment that breathes life into your soil, promoting healthy plant growth and vibrant ecosystems.

Here's cow manure can benefit your garden:

1.       Nutrient-rich amendment

Cow manure has a balance of macro and micronutrients which are key for healthy plant growth. It is rich in nitrogen, which is important for healthy foliage. It also contains phosphorus and potassium which support healthy root development and flowering.

2.       Improves soil structure

Composted cow manure acts like a soil conditioner. It helps to break up compacted clay soils by improving the soil drainage and creating aeration. Conversely, if you have relatively sandy soil, it helps the soil to retain moisture.

3.       Feeds soil microbiome

Composting helps to break down complex organic matter in cow manure. This creates a feast for beneficial soil microbes which play a vital role in nutrient cycling, making essential elements bio-available for your plants.

4.       Sustainable

Composting cow manure is a sustainable way to build your own home-made compost piles and it diverts the manure from landfills.

A good time for amending garden beds with composted cow manure is late winter/ earl spring. I like to amend my beds in August, after the winter harvest and just before the spring rains come. Depending on the condition of my soil after winter, I may wait a few weeks before planting into those freshly composted beds.

Tip: I like to ensure that the cow manure I use comes from grass-fed cows! If you’re not sure, or if you’re buying bagged compost, check that it is certified organic.

I may be biased because I am Zulu, but I have always loved cows. And using their manure in my compost has only made me love them more because of how cow manure has elevated the health of my garden soil.

Happy gardening!


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