Garden green smoothies
Makhosazane Luthuli Makhosazane Luthuli

Garden green smoothies

Here is a simple guide to make a healthy green smoothie using garden-grown produce.

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be a-maize-d
Makhosazane Luthuli Makhosazane Luthuli

be a-maize-d

Glass gem corn - a rainbow-coloured maize harvest

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bulbs and inner power
Makhosazane Luthuli Makhosazane Luthuli

bulbs and inner power


These stunning flowers are believed by some to mean pride, strength and determination. Others say red amaryllis symbolises passion, love and attraction. Whatever the meaning, these striking winter blooms take away the autumn blues.

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Tamarillo Takeover
Makhosazane Luthuli Makhosazane Luthuli

Tamarillo Takeover

Tamarillos take over my kitchen. Preserving tamarillos


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Hobby Beekeeping
Makhosazane Luthuli Makhosazane Luthuli

Hobby Beekeeping

Show love to the bees - keep Joburg buzzing! #Beekeeping

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