Garden green smoothies

A guide to making delicious, nutritious green smoothies using ingredients from your garden.

How I make a healthy green smoothie using garden greens

There is no standard recipe for how I make green smoothies. My smoothies always taste different and I like that. I use the freshest, organically grown ingredients available to me, whether harvested from the garden or purchased from a shop. If you’ve read my book, you will know that I favour a laissez-faire style of gardening, so naturally, my way of food preparation would follow suit. Go with what nature gives you and make the best of it!

Here is my guide for making a green smoothie.

Green Smoothie Guideline

1 part leafy greens – this could be spinach leaves, kale leaves, parsley, celery, moringa leaves, etc. Feel free to switch the leaves up. You can use leaves from different plants – I actually prefer a leafy mix.

1 part sweet fruit – apples are a winner. You can also use pears, peaches, berries, oranges and such.

1 part thickening fruit – bananas and/or avocados are perfect for thickening your smoothie.

Liquid for blending – water or green tea (cold) is suitable. I have used coconut water before but if you’re on a budget, keep it simple – water is perfectly fine!  

**Please make sure you use a liquid because you might break your blender if you don’t add liquid before blending!

Optional extras - if you need extra help in life :)

-          1 tbsp Collagen powder

-          1 tsp Spirulina powder

-          1/2 tsp Ashwagandha powder

Blend until smooth and enjoy!


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