Hobby Beekeeping

Keep Joburg Buzzing!

Johannesburg may be a bustling metropolis, but it has a growing population of nature enthusiasts who enjoy the country lifestyle it also offers, especially when you drive a few minutes outside the city. During 2021, somewhere between the lockdown restrictions, I decided to get closer to nature beyond just gardening. I decided to learn about bees and to become a hobbyist beekeeper. I have many bees in my garden and I know the importance of having a healthy bee population. It only made sense for me to get to know these fascinating creatures by immersing myself in their world.

I was nervous at first because I was taught to fear bees. Where I come from, people scream and run and flap their arms when a bee is close to them! It went against my natural instinct to embrace them, but given that this was during covid, I felt absolutely fearless! I enrolled in a beekeeping course, and I dragged my mother with me. From the first day of the beekeeping course, we developed an enormous respect for these hardworking and sophisticated insects. Three years later, it is one of the best things we have done together.

Beekeeping in Joburg isn't just about having access to fresh, local honey (although that is a delicious benefit!). It offers so much more! Whether you have a backyard hive, or you simply plant pollinator patches to feed them, you can do your part towards supporting the bee population in our city.

Here are my top 3 reasons why everyone should learn about bees:

1. Supporting our Pollinators: Bees are the backbone of our ecosystem. They pollinate a third of the food we eat, from fruits and vegetables to nuts and seeds. By keeping bees in Johannesburg, we're directly contributing to the health of our urban environment and the bounty of our local markets.

2. A Flourishing Cityscape: Johannesburg boasts a surprising variety of flowering plants, from jacarandas in spring to proteas year-round. Keeping bees encourages the growth of these flowering plants, creating a more vibrant and colourful city for everyone.

3. Honey with a Local Touch: There's something truly special about enjoying honey produced right here in the City of Gold. Urban honey often has a unique flavour profile, reflecting the diverse flora of our city.

Getting Started with Beekeeping in Joburg:

Now, beekeeping isn't without its challenges. Think about it - you're providing a home for a whole colony of wild animals! But fear not - there's a wealth of resources available for novice beekeepers. Local beekeeping associations can be a fantastic starting point, offering beekeeping courses, mentorship programs, and even a "managed beekeeping" option where experienced beekeepers look after hives on your property.

So, why not join the buzz? Beekeeping in Johannesburg is a rewarding way to connect with nature, support our local environment, and enjoy the sweetest taste of the city.

Let's keep Joburg buzzing!

Watch a short video of my recent beekeeping experience on my Instagram page 


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